International Day for Girls in ICT

“To achieve full, equal and meaningful participation in ICT, young women and girls must have equal opportunities to learn digital skills and technology fundamentals, and accessible and quality education in ICT from an early age.”

United Nations

The above statement, made by the United Nations, emphasizes the need for early digital education of women and girls, to give them an equal opportunity to thrive in ICT fields. But in most societies, stereotypes that partially or completely forbid female participation in ICT have been deeply ingrained, it takes a lot to uproot these beliefs. In Nigeria, for instance, cultural norms and systemic biases often discourage girls from pursuing STEM and ICT courses, thereby limiting their potential. Our girls often fall behind while other societies leverage the opportunities of the digital age.

In recognition of this urgent need, Dbegotin Educational Foundation organised a special session to commemorate the 2024 International Day for Women and Girls in ICT. Our goal was to raise awareness, challenge stereotypes, and create pathways for young women and girls to excel in ICT. 

The session was held on Instagram Live, hosting Miss Christabel Amazue, the Founder and Team Lead at Tech Quill. She shared insights on her journey through stereotypes, discouragement, and all the struggles she faced on the path to where she is. She mentioned that the major thing which kept her going was the why. She kept asking herself why she wanted to go into tech, and the reasons – the financial, psychological and social benefits – were what pushed her to overcome the obstacles. She said that this is a cheat code for young ladies on the same path – discover your why, and you will have constant motivation.

A result from UNICEF shows that only 18% of women are involved in STEM in Nigeria, and only 3% worldwide. Our mission at Dbegotin Educational Foundation is to bridge the gap – to increase female participation in male-dominated careers.

Advantages of Female Participation in ICT

We keep saying that the female gender should be included in the world of ICT. But of what benefit is it, to society especially? This was discussed during the session, and our panellists highlighted some points, among which three stood out: 

1. Women who dare to take the high road to achieve their dreams in the face of obstacles become beacons of hope, strength and resilience to the younger generation. They inspire people to dream big, believe in themselves, and go for what they believe in.

2. A woman in ICT is a problem-solver. She contributes to technological advances in her community and the nation. And because a woman is naturally more empathetic than her male counterpart, she can push for technologies and systems that directly solve the plight of people around her.

3. ICT is a field that yields a lot of profit, compared to other fields. If a woman can build and grow in this area, she can contribute more to her family’s needs, thereby supporting her husband. She can also contribute to the nation’s economy by building international relationships that trigger investment in Nigeria.

These advantages cannot be overlooked. Women’s participation in ICT promises us a brighter future. It is time to ensure that every girl has the opportunity to shape her future and contribute to the digital world on an equal footing.

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