International Day of Education: Call for Urgent Action in Nigeria

Dear Friends,

On this day, 24th January 2024, as we commemorate the Sixth International Day of Education, it is imperative to address the pressing challenges facing education in Nigeria under the theme of ‘Learning for a Lasting Peace.’ Education stands as the bedrock of peace, a foundation for strong societies, and a crucial building block for a better Nigeria.

Our nation is grappling with injustice, oppression, inequality, and conflicts that are hindering the right to education, particularly for our school-aged children. In Nigeria, countless children are denied access to quality education due to ongoing conflicts, terrorist/bandit attacks, displacement, and economic challenges. We must acknowledge the urgency of this situation.

In conflict-ridden areas like the Northeast, children face severe barriers to education. Boko Haram’s insurgency has disrupted the lives of over a million children, leaving them without proper schooling. Additionally, the impact of climate change and forced displacement is exacerbating the challenges, making it even more difficult for children to attend school.

Recent data indicates that millions of children across Nigeria are out of school, and the compounding impacts of conflicts and climate change are pushing them further away from the classroom. Girls, in particular, are disproportionately affected, facing obstacles such as child marriage and lack of access to proper facilities.

To fulfill the promise made to future generations through Sustainable Development Goal 4, we must urgently address the dire need for quality education. Nigeria, as a UN Member State, is bound by legal commitments to uphold the right to education, as outlined in binding human rights conventions.

Therefore, I call on the Nigerian government at all levels to demonstrate a stronger commitment to developing education by increasing education financing to boost education infrastructure development, enacting enabling laws to promote access to quality education for all and addressing corruption in her education interventions’ far-reaching impact.

Dbegotin Educational Foundation is committed to innovative approaches to rapidly deliver quality education to Nigeria’s most vulnerable children. Our holistic education model encompasses early childhood education, accelerated learning, counseling support, teachers’ professional development, and vocational training, among other essential components.

Through partnerships with government bodies, civil society, and local communities, we have made significant strides, reaching thousands of out-of-school children with quality education. However, much more needs to be done.

We urgently call on strategic donors, philanthropic foundations, and the private sector to join hands in helping us reach our target as we aim to provide quality education to 20 million children in Nigeria by 2026. This intervention will not only transform individual lives but also contribute to sustainable development and peaceful coexistence in our beloved country.

As Nelson Mandela wisely stated, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world.” Let us invest in the future of Nigeria by prioritizing education and breaking the cycle of conflicts, injustices, and extreme poverty.

Together, we can make a lasting impact on the lives of Nigerian children, empowering them to shape a brighter, more peaceful future.


Jeremiah Oseni

Founder and Executive Director

Dbegotin Educational Foundation

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